Zopf Recipe


Zopf Recipe

Zopf is one of the most popular and delicious types of bread in Switzerland. This food is made from soft white bread. Zopf can be easily recognized because the shape of this bread is similar to that of woven (the word Zopf means "braid") with a golden bread crust that is very similar to Jewish bread called challah.

The Swiss legend states that this bread was inspired by the old habits of Swiss widows who cut their braids and bury them with their husbands' bodies. Bread dough is made from white flour, milk, eggs, butter and yeast. The braided dough becomes a braid and then coated with egg yolks before baking. This food is traditionally eaten on Sunday mornings.

Ingredients :

  • Warm Milk – 1 1/2 cup
  • Melted Butter – 3 tbsp
  • Active Dry Yeast – 1 packet or 2 1/4 tsp ( 7 g )
  • All Purpose Flour – 3 3/4 cup
  • Sugar – 1 tsp
  • Salt – 1 1/2 tsp
  • Egg Yolk – 1
  • Egg White – 1

How to make :

1. In a large mixing bowl add lukewarm milk, sugar and sprinkle a package of active dry yeast into it. Cover, and let the yeast activate. This will take approximately 10 minutes.

2. Now add egg yolk, salt, all purpose flour, melted butter and mix well using hand or wodden spoon till the dough comes together.

3. Now dust the working surface, transfer the dough and knead it for atleast 6 to 8 minutes till you get a smooth and elastic dough.

4. If you are making large zopf then divide the dough into 3 equal portions. if you are making medium zopfs then divide the dough into 9 portions.

5. Roll each piece into long cylinder. Braid 3 pieces together at time and pinch the ends.

6. Grease the baking sheet. add pinch of salt to egg white, mix well and brush each braid with the egg white.

7. Cover the dough with the warm cloth and let it rest in warm place for about 1 hour or till its doubled in size.

8. Preheat the oven for 425 degree F.

9. Brush the risen dough again with the egg white again and bake it for about 20 to 25 minutes or till its golden brown in color.

10. Zopf is now ready. let it cool for 5 minutes. Serve with butter and cup of coffee and enjoy.