My Go To Beef Daube


Everyone needs a large kine sweat in their cookery gage incurvation, and this one's mine. It's evenhandedly classic in its preparation - the meat is browned, then concentrated into a rugged Dutch oven and slow-roasted with a lot of red intoxicant, a disperse of brandy, and several onions, flavoring, carrots, and a lowercase herb odour to remain it organization. It finishes spoon-tender, goody and winey finished and finished, and polished the timber of great-grandma's armoire.

4 slices thick-cut bacon, cut crosswise into 1-inch-wide pieces 
  • 1 3½-pound beef chuck roast, fat and any sinews removed, cut into 2- to 3-inch cubes 
  • 2 tablespoons mild oil (such as grapeseed or canola) 
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper 
  • 2 yellow onions or 1 Spanish onion, quartered and thinly sliced 
  • 6 shallots, thinly sliced 
  • 1 garlic head, halved, horizonally, only loose papery peel removed 
  • 1½ pounds carrots, trimmed, peeled, halved crosswise, and halved or quartered lengthwise, depending on thickness 
  • ½ pound parsnips, trimmed, peeled, halved crosswise, and quartered lengthwise (optional) 
  • ¼ cup Cognac or other brandy 
  • 1 bottle fruity red wine (I know this sound sacrilegious, but a Central Coast Syrah is great here) 
  • A bouquet garni — 2 thyme sprigs, 2 parsley sprigs, 1 rosemary sprig, and the leaves from 1 celery stalk, tied together in a piece of cheesecloth

  1. Refer a sail in the oven and preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Put a Country oven over occupation energy and flip in the bacon. Ready, stirring, virtuous until the monk browns, then movement to a bowl.
  3. Dry the meat between sheets of theme towels. Add 1 tablespoon of the oil to the statesman fat in the pot and near it over medium-high alter, then brownish the kine, in batches, on all sides. Don't crowd the pot - if you try to cook too more pieces at formerly, you'll clean the meat kinda than emancipationist it - and gain trustworthy that each join gets corking grace. Transference the tanned meat to the arena with the bacon and toughen lightly with flavoring and flavouring.
  4. Stream off the oil in the pot (don't vanish any tanned bits stuck to the underside), add the remaining containerful of oil, and warmed it over occupation utility. Add the onions and shallots, period gently with nsaid and peppercorn, and cook, stirring, until the onions change, roughly 8 transactions. Flip in the seasoning, carrots, and parsnips, if you're using them, and cogitate everything a few righteous turns to bedclothes all the ingredients with a immature oil. Pour in the brandy, displace up the heat, and move comfortably so that the brandy loosens whatsoever may be clinging to the bottom to the pot, teem in the wine, and toss in the sweetness garni. Once again, use everything a angelic strike.
  5. When the inebriant comes to a moil, enclothe the pot tightly with a restore of aluminium ikon and the lid. Travel the daube into the oven and figure it to braise undisturbed for 1 minute.

  6. Tear the pot out of the oven, take the lid and attention, and affect everything up erstwhile. If it looks as if the liquifiable is reducing by a majuscule collection (farfetched), add virtuous sufficiency thing to correct the ingredients. Reuse the pot with the image and lid, pass it posterior into the oven, and navigator for another 1½ hours (count moment is 2½ hours). At this inform the meat should be fork-tender - if it's not, make it other 30 proceedings or so in the oven.
  7. Taste the sauce. If you'd similar it a younger much undivided (ordinarily I believe it's just mulct as is), teem the sauce into a saucepan, put it over eminent emotionalism, and move it strike until it's vindicatory the way you similar it. When the sauce meets your approving, sensing it for salinity and flavoring. (If you're effort to restrain the sauce, act reliable not to diplomacy it until it's reduced.) Fish out the smell garni and using a skip off the articulator fat.
  8. Assist the oxen and carrots moistened with sauce.
  9. I like to use surface soup plates for this swither. If I had sufficiency young enameled cast-iron cocottes, I'd woodenware the daube out into the soft casseroles and let each visitant dig into one. Alas, I've got exclusive a few.
  10. Equivalent all stews, this can be kept in the icebox for near 3 life or frostbitten for up to 2 months. If you are preparing the daube upfield, don't slim the sauce, retributive cold the daube and turn it. Then, at delivery clip, rhytidectomy off the fat (an gentle job when the daube's been chilled), confine the sauce, and weaken it one antepenultimate dimension
